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Building an Enterprise Data Management Strategy

24 Jan

Mike20The “IT Transformation” of an organisation from its legacy environment to the next generation of technology is one of the most complex and expensive changes an organisation can undergo.

  • How to improve and optimise business processes
  • How to manage information across the enterprise
  • How to safely migrate from the legacy to the contemporary environment
  • How to deliver on a transition strategy that provides incremental functionality while mitigating risk and staying within budget
  • How to define an improvement strategy for your people, processes, and organisation as well as the technology

Of all these factors, how information is managed is often the biggest limiter to success.

In the 21st century, Flexibility in Accessing and Using Information will be King. To solve the Transformation Challenge use a “Balanced View” Model of the Enterprise.

Taking an Information Development approach means that we re-balance the work we do to focus on information as much as we focus on function, processes and infrastructure.

In organisations undergoing significant technology change, the problem isn’t whether the new applications can provide the required functionality, its often the data.

Data Quality is and has been a primary problem in project failures – and the issue isn’t going away.

Business Blueprint, Technology Blueprint, and Roadmap are crucial phases in a successful IT transformation. The Strategic Vision Leads to Continuous Implementation.

The MIKE2.0 Methodology (MIKE stands for Method for an Integrated Knowledge Environment): An Open Source Methodology for Information Development designed by BearingPoint, Inc.

Extraordinary Leadership in Australia and New Zealand

15 Nov

Extraordinary-leadership-in-australia-new-zealandLeadership is for everyone. Leadership is taking responsibility and make a difference.

Leadership engage people and brings out the best in them.

5 Practices of Exemplary Leadership:

Model the Way:

Clarify and share values. What you stand for? What you stand against?

Clarify your personal values and formulate a leadership philosophy.

Credibility is the foundation of leadership.

Inspire a Shared Vision:

Imaging exciting and ennobling possibilities.

People crave being part of something exciting and inspiring. Articulate a common purpose.

Challenge the Process:

Look for innovative ways to improve, experiment and take risks.

Generate small wins and learn from experience.

Willing to take risk. Never waste a failure by not learning from it.

Praise for taking initiative.

Enable Others to Act:

Foster collaboration by building trust and facilitating relationships.

Strengthen others by increasing self-determination and developing competence. Empower others.

Value, respect, and understand talents. Create high-trust climate.

Leadership is about relationships. Communicating with clear expectations and guidance.

Take quality time to coach, mentor and uplift people.

Encourage the Heart:

Recognize contributions by showing appreciation for individual excellence.

Celebrate the values and victories by creating spirit of community. Celebrate along the journey.

Refuel and energize. Create a sense of community.

Recommend: Pragmatic Thinking and Learning: Refactor Your Wetware

27 Jun

Software development happens in your head. Not in an editor, IDE, or design tool. You’re well educated on how to work with software and hardware, but what about wetware—our own brains? Learning new skills and new technology is critical to your career, and it’s all in your head.

In this book by Andy Hunt, you’ll learn how our brains are wired, and how to take advantage of your brain’s architecture. You’ll learn new tricks and tips to learn more, faster, and retain more of what you learn.

You need a pragmatic approach to thinking and learning. You need to Refactor Your Wetware.

Programmers have to learn constantly; not just the stereotypical new technologies, but also the problem domain of the application, the whims of the user community, the quirks of your teammates, the shifting sands of the industry, and the evolving characteristics of the project itself as it is built.

We’ll journey together through bits of cognitive and neuroscience, learning and behavioral theory. You’ll see some surprising aspects of how our brains work, and how you can take advantage of the system to improve your own learning and thinking skills.

In this book you’ll learn how to:

  • Use the Dreyfus Model of Skill Acquisition to become more expert
  • Leverage the architecture of the brain to strengthen different thinking modes
  • Avoid common “known bugs” in your mind
  • Learn more deliberately and more effectively
  • Manage knowledge more efficiently

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